When the liver does not function properly it can lead to many different issues and scenarios of health indications. This can lead to poor appetite, discomfort over the liver area, thus causing other ‘signs', for example lameness in off hind, hanging to the left, dislike of working on the right rein, hyper-tension or ‘hot’ temperament, head shaking, mood swings. The main causes of liver problems are diet related, now or from the past, also over or misuse of chemical wormers or when there has been a need for a lot of medication. The liver herbs, which include Milk Thistle, tone the liver, assisting the liver to maintain its optimal function. A powder added to feed or mixed with water and syringed orally, A 500gm supply is one course lasting 5 to 6 weeks per horse.
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Derbyshire, England, UK.
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